Places to buy gifts that aren’t major department stores

I’m not good with crowds. I’m not good with shopping centres or malls – something about the lighting and the air conditioning and the muzak and the smells and the energies of so many people and SO MUCH STUFF makes me feel ill at ease.

So all year round, but especially when it comes to Christmas shopping, I will do anything to avoid shopping at department stores, chain stores, or any place in a shopping centre or mall.

This has the benefit of supporting local businesses and finding interesting and unique gifts. [See my previous post about gift giving, and why I try to avoid buying ‘things’ as gifts.]

Some places I like to check out, with my list, for Christmas gifts are:

  • Markets, farm stalls, roadside stalls. Our farmers’ market has many clever folk who make soap, chilli sauces, peanut brittle, chocolates etc. The best honey we’ve ever tasted comes from the cupboard in the bush pictured above. Art and craft markets (including online markets such as Etsy) can be great for handmade unique pieces too. It’s always good to directly support the person whose work, care and artistry has made the item you’re buying.
  • Oxfam and other charities. We’ve been giving Oxfam ‘Unwrapped’ cards for years. This is where you make a donation to a particular project (eg. seeds, clean water, farm animals, health education, safe refuge) and Oxfam gives you a card, with details of the project, for you to give to the recipient. It’s fun to choose projects that you think suit the person you’re buying for. They also sell a range of cool, fair trade bits and pieces that support communities all around the world. It’s not the only charity out there that does good things, and everyone will have different values around which issues matter most to them. Do your research and find one that resonates with you.
  • Local family businesses. Like our local independent bookstore, independent toy shop, sustainability store, local family-run wineries… even the bulk food store has gift ideas such as a jar of chocolate-coated nuts or an interesting salt. Many local business also do gift vouchers – perhaps a friend might like a voucher for dinner at your favourite restaurant?
  • Op shops / second hand shops. For my birthday a couple of years ago, my friend gave me four bangles that she had carefully chosen from op shops. They look great together as a stack and I also wear them individually. So thoughtful, this was a great present as I know my friend really took the time to think of me while searching for the right gift. Buying second-hand is usually saving something from landfill, plus, often the money raised by these shops helps people in need. Win-win-win!

Buying online avoids the shopping chaos too. Sometimes I will buy something online and get it sent directly to the recipient rather than double up on shipping costs (and emissions). I still try to follow the same gift principles outlined in this post though, and try to only buy online if what I want is not available locally.

2017-09-06 12.03.47 HDR
This ‘cupboard in the bush’ is the kind of place I like to shop. Roadside and farmgate stalls rock.


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